Compresseur Bock HG88


The new models of Bock HG88e semi-hermetic compressors ensure higher cooling capacity of the compressor with reduced energy consumption.

The new version of the eight-cylinder compressors with optimized efficiency offers maximum efficiency thanks to the use of the mexxFLOW valve plate system.

Thanks to a design with double circular valves associated with a specific cylinder head, the mexxFlow system has enabled a significant reduction in pressure drops, which significantly improves the efficiency of the compressor.


Specific characteristics :

  • “mexxFlow” optimized valve plate:
  • Damper plate with high efficiency double circular dampers
  • Valves made of high-quality, impact-resistant spring steel
  • Valve plate and cylinder head system with optimized gas flow
  • Optimized bore-stroke ratio
  • Improved gas flow
  • High efficiency and reliable motors
  • A significant COP